How far from Phoenix us to Los Angeles us?

Do you want to get the Distance between Phoenix and Los Angeles? This is a right place to let you know how far it is from Phoenix, Arizona, US to Los Angeles, California, US. And here is the distance answer.
Flight distance as the crow flies: 357 miles or 574 kilometers.

What is the travel distance of Phoenix, Arizona, US away from Los Angeles, California, US?
- We would like to let you know the distance as the crow flies. It is 357 miles or 574 kilometers.

If you are traveling to Phoenix, Arizona, US from Los Angeles, California, US or vice versa, it is really important to know many miles or kilometers it is between the two places. Then you may calculate how long it takes you from/to Phoenix, Arizona, US to/from Los Angeles, California, US, so that you can arrange well when you depart and what you would do. Have a good trip and have a lot of fun!

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* How many miles / kilometers is it to travel from Los Angeles, California, US to Phoenix, Arizona, US?
* How many miles / kilometers is the travel distance between Los Angeles, California, US and Phoenix, Arizona, US?
* How far is it from Los Angeles, California, US to Phoenix, Arizona, US?
* What is the distance from Los Angeles, California, US to Phoenix, Arizona, US?